Author’s Blog

Visual Cues and the Imagination

I continue to ponder when visuals help and when they hinder. There is a discussion going on today on my post to The Romance Bandits’ blog about covers. We all like different things, but I’m intrigued to notice the number of comments that color draws them to a cover.  Color impacts mood and emotion—and romance […]

Sea Travel

I’m blogging today at History Imagined. This one is on the trials of an author trying to maintain a timeline in a story set in 1818 with multiple instances of sea travel. Tide, Wind, and Timeline

Highlighting Historical Romance: Maggi Andersen

Hi Caroline, thanks for inviting me to your blog. Maggi Andersen I am an Australian author of historical romance, romantic suspense and mysteries. I live in the beautiful Southern Highlands of New South Wales with my husband a retired lawyer. He is now my proof reader, and a wonderful beta reader. Since reading Georgette […]

A Widow’s Salvation

Becky Lower (one of my partners at History Imagined) and I have new releases, both of which  are parts of series, coming out this month. We thought it might be fun to compare notes by answering the same four questions. My contribution went live yesterday on Becky’s Blog. Here are Becky’s answers: Tell me about […]

Looking for Lymond

None of the books I’ve been remembering on Throwback Thursdays comes close to the joy I’ve gotten from Dame Dorothy Dunnett’s books.  I was sixteen the summer I picked up The Game of Kings. I remember walking to a babysitting gig and reading every step of the way along the sidewalk because I couldn’t put […]