Author’s Blog

Thanks for the Heroes, Fictional and Real

Join us here: In this month of giving thanks, I’ve been invited to participate in a week long celebration of Historical Romance, #Thx4HistoricalRom  The hosts have put together a lovely grand prize package and my own Dangerous Works is in it. in addition authors will be offering giveaways daily. The title got me thinking […]

Fall Back in Time!

In the USA we turn our clocks back tonight. Celebrate this weekend by falling into your favorite historical romance. Better yet, post a picture of yourself reading a favorite with the hash tag #fallbackintime Here’s mine             Try one of these:                   […]

Giveaway, Party, Games, and Great Stories

Folks, the Bluestocking Belle’s Boxed, Mistletoe, Marriage, and Mayhem, set goes live in two days (November 1).  To celebrate we are having a launch party from 4 to 9 that day.  Join us to visit with the authors, win prizes and have fun. Be sure to enter for a chance at the Christmas Party Box. (See […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: Alina K. Field

This week we feature an interview with another author about her work and her newest release, Why do you write historical romance? I love exploring the roles and relationships of men and women in an era without divorce, birth control, and women employed outside the home. For women, the stakes in pursuing romance were very […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: Alicia Quigley

What a privilege to welcome Alicia Quigley! Today she shares her research into smuggling and the ships the smugglers used. I’ll let her tell you. ___________________________________ I enjoyed learning and writing about the smuggling trade in southern England while I was writing my current release The Contraband Courtship (excerpt below). I learned about some fascinating […]