Author’s Blog

She’s a What? Confusing Scottish Titles

Thank you so much for having me here today, Carol! I thought I had achieved a decent grasp on the peerages of the United Kingdom, at least passably so. Let me make a disclaimer right now: despite more hours of research than I care to admit, I still don’t have the whole peerage, honorific, addresses […]


Ok so my table won’t look like the one pictured. I won’t use paper plates and napkins with turkeys on them either.  Seventeen pounds of turkey are in my refrigerator section defrosting and I have enough cranberries piled up to get us through to Easter. Various dishes have been assigned to various relatives. Bring it […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: Eileen Richards

I had a chance to interview my friend Eileen Richards this week! Why do you write historical romance? I fell in love with historical fiction as a child. I loved the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I loved Louisa May Alcott. History always fascinated me. I fell in love with romance early with […]

Highlighting Historical Fiction: Bonnie S. Johnston

Bonnie has kindly shared this wonderful article about the writing of The Dark Side of the Mountain, previously published August 10, 2015 for the Great Lakes Historical Novel Society. ____________________________________________________ Decades ago I began to research my ancestors, a time-consuming, but enjoyable hobby for many years. During the course of my findings I tried to […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: Lauren Linwood

I’m delighted that Lauren has agreed to share her research for A Knight for Kallen: As a former history teacher, I love to do research for any storyline. For my medieval historical romance, A Knight for Kallen, I did two interesting pieces of research. The first involved auras. I read a magazine article about a […]