Author’s Blog

Passion Feeds Creativity

Every writer’s work is fueled by their passions. One of mine is educational opportunity for women. Historically it didn’t exist.  I’ve written extensively on the subject in this blog in the past.** I had the good fortune to attend an excellent girls’ high school and wonderful women’s college, both of which pushed excellence and valued […]

Pivot Points

When I first planned what became Dangerous Weakness, I envisioned a scene in which the oh-so-perfect Marquess of Glenaire, trapped, desperate, and in rags, is forced to beg for help from his friends. If you read my earlier books you would know Glenaire sees himself as the rescuer, the helper, the one responsible for his […]

2016: Show Up For It

Ah the annual ritual of goals and resolutions! I’ve reached the stage in which I pull out the previous year’s list, give it a good whack and take stock of my life. They are, after all, life goals. I call the resolutions “basic disciplines.” Life, being short, requires that we a) stay awake for it […]

The Belles’ Holiday Wassailing Tour: Course #6

Welcome to the sixth stop on the Belles Holiday Wassailing Tour. Surely you are still in a party mood, even after five previous stops!The Duchess of Murnane and her brother, the Earl of Chadbourn, the hero of A Dangerous Nativity welcome you to Eversham Hall. The duchess fears she is indisposed and not up to […]

Here We Come a-Wassailing

Waes Hael one and all—good health to you! Wassail is a drink involving ale, sugar, eggs, spices and sometimes wine. Sometimes it is called Lambs wool.  Wassailing is also the custom of going house to house with Christmas greetings, more or less what we would call caroling, with hopes of being invited in for a […]