Author’s Blog

Keep on Movin’

Today’s my birthday and my thoughts turn to health and vitality. I told my grandbuddy that I planned to dance at his wedding. Since that is many years away and the plan is to actually dance, I have to make sure I keep moving. For a novelist that is tough sometimes. We live in our […]

Betwixt and Between

I find myself torn in at least three directions these days. Having sent final copy of The Renegade Wife off to my editor at Soul Mate, I have been staring at blank Word pages and editing task lists trying to formulate a marketing plan. Since the book has an expected release date of October, I […]

Show It Off!

Caroline Warfield will be the featured author tonight for Coffeetime Romance Show It Off Saturday.  Coffeetime is an important reviewing service and magazine for romance fans, and I’m pleased to be in the spotlight. Stop by, leave a comment, win a prize. Check out their other authors throughout the day.  

Highlighting Historical Romance: Judith Laik

In which Judith interviews her hero Bayard Pytchley JL: Most romance heroes are aristocratic. You’re not. Why should we care to read about you? BP: (laughs a little self-consciously) I don’t know why my author chose to write about me. I certainly don’t think of myself as a hero. However, I’m not so far from […]

A Quick Tip

My History Imagined colleague, Linda Bennett Pennell is here with a wonderful offer. Her historical fiction is thoroughly researched and gave me one of my favorite moments, the one where you say “I didn’t know that!” It is a delight to learn new things. I asked her how she came by her love of history. […]