Author’s Blog

The Most Important Thing

The most important thing a writer can do is write the next book. No amount of social media activity, advertising, or shameless self promotion will draw readers to your work as effectively as The Next Book. I am happy to report that my pipeline has come back to life. After Dangerous Weakness, I suffered from […]

Deception Leads to Heartbreak

Highlighting Historical Romance: Gloria Gay Notes from the heroine, Belinda Presleigh: I fell in love when I was thirteen. It was one warm summer afternoon. I was well hidden with my poetry book in a thicket of bushes and had almost dozed off. I was trespassing in land that adjoined my father’s as I often […]

Priming the Pump

Starting a new story feels like priming a pump that just doesn’t want to flow. I pour in a little ‘water’ in the form of characters and some vague idea of the inciting incident or opening disturbance and then pump and pump, but the words drip out one by one and I’m left waiting for […]

Five Reasons I Hate Monday

Well, who doesn’t? You would think someone who is retired would not distinguish between weekends and, well, Monday.  As it turns out, old habits die hard, and, well the rest of the word still works weekdays. While there may have been some easing, Monday is still Monday. Why do I hate it?   Plans and […]

Down the Research Rabbit Hole

Highlighting Historical Romance: Jude Knight joins us to talk about her work. I love research. I even love research when I have a perfectly delightful plot that falls apart when research proves it couldn’t have happened. Working out what might be historically probable instead, or at least plausible, has allowed me to drop down many […]