Author’s Blog

Happy Declaration Day!

About the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, John Adams famously said, “It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.” I don’t know abut the rest of my American friends, […]

Traveling in the Footsteps of King Arthur and Guinevere

We’re Highlighting Historical Romance with Nicole Evelina who brings us a treat. I’ve been fascinated with Arthur since I read the Boy’s King Arthur at 10 or so.  My love of story telling links directly back to the Arthurian legends. _________________________________________________________________ While I’m not a trained historian, I spent 15 years studying Arthurian legend as […]

Home Again—Oh My!

After a week away visiting Greg’s large extended family and driving nine hours to get home, I awoke this morning someone fatigued and looked at my to-do list. Oh my. Do you have any idea what ten days worth of repeating daily and weekly tasks looks like? In addition this week and last I have […]

Lawlessness and Bounty Hunting in Regency England

Highlighting Historical Romance: Jude Knight Jude’s next release features a hero who is a thief taker. He prefers the term enquiry agent. Thief takers, he says, are ‘so unpleasant’. Here are some thoughts about law enforcement in Regency England. Crime was a personal affair Before 1829, our modern idea of a police force, and of […]

Witchcraft, the Law, and James I

Highlighting Historical Romance: Madeline Martin Like many stories, her new book began with a “What if…” She tells us: First there was learning about the Salem Witch Trials in middle school; then, The Craft came out in high school. Throw in over a decade living in Germany as a girl and I think you’ll understand […]