Author’s Blog

One More To Skip

I forgot the biggest of all: if I skip television I not only gain time, I avoid being buried in election ads and listening to the media outlets in competition to see who can turn my stomach more.  I’m out of it for the duration.

4 Things I Can Skip

National Novel Writing Month is begins tomorrow and I’m ready. My work in progress has to be finished this month. It has been promised and I will deliver. I can do this, right? But with a patio project engulfing the house, grandma duties looming, and a husband who’s a tad distracted (see patio project), something […]

A Glimpse Into Another Life

Highlighting Historical Romance with Annemarie Brear Thank you so much for having me today. I hope you and your readers enjoy learning a little about my latest release, Where Dragonflies Hover, a contemporary story that also features a WWI story, when Lexi, the main character finds a diary written by a wartime nurse. About the […]

Hopeful Hearts Kittens

When the Duchess of Haverford organizes a house party, the staff faces many challenges. No one expected the housekeeper’s cat to give birth in a most inconvenient spot. Soon the guests arrive and the kittens make free with the house. You’ll find an opportunity to win one at the end of this post. For now, […]

The Family Guardian

Highlighting Historical Romance: A ghostly change of pace from Anita Philmar Every family has traditions. The things they do that define them as a family, a unit that stands together to face both the good times and bad. Some look at the holiday traditions of food and decoration as the symbol of how they come […]