Author’s Blog

Love, Marriage, and Texas

Highlighting Historical Romance: Caroline Clemmons Caroline brings us the aftermath of the American Civil War and its impact on love and marriage: Readers of historical romance are familiar with the devastation caused by the American Civil War, especially in several eastern states. In fact, more men died in this war than in World War II. […]

Winning and Losing

I’ve had an amazing few days! What have I won? Notably Dangerous Secrets won the 2016 RONE Award for Best Post-Medieval Historical Romance. InD’Tale Magazine presented the award at their InD’Scribe conference which leads me to other things I’ve won:  new friends, new ideas, new appreciation for my craft, and some insights about my self. One […]

6 Things I Remember About Conferences

I’m running around like a headless chicken to get ready to go to a conference, my first this year. I decided to go to InD’Scribe in Burbank because I’m a finalist for the RONE Award. Who knows? I could win and it would be nice to be there. You can see the add on the […]


Highlighting Historical Romance: Dawn Ireland gives us the story about kilts Highland Yearning is a time-travel romance set in Dunrobin Castle (Scotland) in the year 1775. My hero in the story wears a kilt. Now, before you say the ban on kilts wasn’t lifted until 1782, you need to consider the following: Like many Highland […]

9 Things I’d Like To Ask My Readers

Ours is a strange and wonderful relationship.  I create stories out of my imagination, and, if I do my job well, they create images in yours. That’s the primary flow of communications. I’m thrilled to death, not to mention humbled and grateful, to have readers at all. Sometimes, though I wonder about some things. Where […]