Author’s Blog

Why and How of Historical Romance

Highlighting Historical Romance: Madelyn Hill answers our questions about the genre. Caroline: Why do you write historical romance (or historical novels if appropriate)? Madelyn: I love to write historical romance because it is my favorite genre to read. I also love history, research and I’m an old movie buff. There are so many great things […]

Time To Party!

Today is the release day for Holly and Hopeful Hearts, eight all-new novellas with five star reviews from the Bluestocking Belles. Amazon US: Amazon UK: Amazon Australia: Amazon Canada: Smashwords: Kobo: Barnes & Noble: iBooks: We will party on Facebook on Sunday, November 13 from 11AM to […]

13 Steps in the Wrong Direction

Last Monday I wrote that my goal for the day was to give my current manuscript a read-through and plan the road forward. When I did I discovered that the plot had wandered into a swamp. All the fast pacing and relationship building I had done in the first half had bogged down in the […]

Castles, Mice & Evil Bishops: Travels on the Rhine

Highlighting Historical Romance with Sandra Schwab This summer I re-released my Gothic romance (well, at least it was intended to be a Gothic romance) Castle of the Wolf, in which my English heroine unexpectedly inherits a mysterious castle in the Black Forest, but, alas, finds it inhabited by the grumpiest man imaginable (but he’s kind […]

Clash of Cuisines

Highlighting Historical Fiction: Jude Knight brings us her research on English and French cuisine for one of her two stories in Holly and Hopeful Hearts, the Bluestocking Belles’ 2016 Holiday Anthology. In the kitchens of Hollystone Hall, in my story A Suitable Husband, we see one battle in the grand war of cuisines that consumed […]