Author’s Blog

Thanks Beyond Number

Where do we begin with gratitude? With the things that gratify, provide instant pleasure, or enhance our ego? With the things in our immediate circle, perhaps, like family and friends? Yes that one I think. The obvious things are faith, which gives direction and foundation of strength, and health, which enables me to build on […]

Seven Holiday Gifts: Week One

Beginning today and every week for the next seven weeks, the Bluestocking Belles bring you a bit of fiction, some holiday customs, a recipe and a gift.  We begin with Jude Knight’s lovely pair from The Bluestocking and the Barbarian, her contribution to the Belle’s anthology, Holly and Hopeful Hearts. She gives us a peek […]

My 3 Favorite Things About Thanksgiving

I have always loved Thanksgiving. It has all the family joy and none of the angst of Christmas. Well, maybe not none exactly but much less. What do I like? Gratitude. Thanksgiving reminds us to thank the Almighty but doesn’t impose and denominational expectations about how we do it. There is plenty to be thankful […]

The Romance of the Outback

Highlighting Historical Romance with Jasmine Hill My novel, Lillian’s Light Horseman encompasses particular aspects of my husband’s family history. His grandfather was a decorated Light Horseman during WWI and by all accounts quite a ladies man. The Australian Light Horse were mounted infantry often selected for their excellent riding skills and marksmanship, many of them […]

Is It Friday Yet?

I should call this post four reasons I’m exhausted before I start this week. The Bluestocking Belles Facebook party to celebrate the launch of Holly and Hopeful Hearts lasted 11.5 hours yesterday and I was there for most of it. Behind the scenes things got a bit frantic, but on the page it went swimmingly. […]