Author’s Blog

Seven Holiday Gifts: Week One

Beginning today and every week for the next seven weeks, the Bluestocking Belles bring you a bit of fiction, some holiday customs, a recipe and a gift.  We begin with Jude Knight’s lovely pair from The Bluestocking and the Barbarian, her contribution to the Belle’s anthology, Holly and Hopeful Hearts. She gives us a peek […]

My 3 Favorite Things About Thanksgiving

I have always loved Thanksgiving. It has all the family joy and none of the angst of Christmas. Well, maybe not none exactly but much less. What do I like? Gratitude. Thanksgiving reminds us to thank the Almighty but doesn’t impose and denominational expectations about how we do it. There is plenty to be thankful […]

The Romance of the Outback

Highlighting Historical Romance with Jasmine Hill My novel, Lillian’s Light Horseman encompasses particular aspects of my husband’s family history. His grandfather was a decorated Light Horseman during WWI and by all accounts quite a ladies man. The Australian Light Horse were mounted infantry often selected for their excellent riding skills and marksmanship, many of them […]

Is It Friday Yet?

I should call this post four reasons I’m exhausted before I start this week. The Bluestocking Belles Facebook party to celebrate the launch of Holly and Hopeful Hearts lasted 11.5 hours yesterday and I was there for most of it. Behind the scenes things got a bit frantic, but on the page it went swimmingly. […]

Why and How of Historical Romance

Highlighting Historical Romance: Madelyn Hill answers our questions about the genre. Caroline: Why do you write historical romance (or historical novels if appropriate)? Madelyn: I love to write historical romance because it is my favorite genre to read. I also love history, research and I’m an old movie buff. There are so many great things […]