Author’s Blog

8 Reasons for a Slow Start

I usually have this column ready on Sunday, but this morning is fleeting and I am just putting my Monday thoughts together. Something about that first week of the new year had me wallowing in holiday mode. A number of things got in the way. I spent the weekend getting myself organized, and as of […]

Seven Holiday Gifts: Week Seven

For seven weeks the Bluestocking Belles have brought you a gift or givewaway, a bit of holiday fiction, some information about the holiday, and a recipe. This week we bring the series to a close with Jessica Cale’s epilogue to her story Artemis, one of the eight novellas featured in the Bluestocking Belles’ 2016 holiday […]

3 Goals and Some Looming Objectives

2017 is upon us. I’ve read much angst about 2016 being an annus horribilis and many hopes that the new one will be better. What experience teaches me is that every day is a new start, every year an opportunity to do better, write better, be better. We can never control the external variables, we […]

Happy New Year

  Best wishes from Caroline

Seven Holiday Gifts: Week Six

The Bluestocking Belles bring you a gift, a bit of holiday fiction, some information about the holiday, and a recipe, as we will every week for seven weeks. Anthony Lockhart, Lord Stanton, and Kate Woodville are the hero and heroine from Amy Rose Bennett’s novella, Dashing Through the Snow, one of the eight novellas featured […]