Author’s Blog

Watch Until Your Brain Explodes #MFRWAuthor

Will it surprise any of you to hear that the shows I binge watch run to costume dramas and British made? Beloved and I came to streaming video—and therefore binge watching—somewhat late, but we embraced it utterly. Our first Big Binge was Foyle’s War. It still rates very high on our all time favorite list […]

Impetuous and Scandalous

Highlighting Historical Romance presents Kelly McClymer Hi, I’m Kelly McClymer and I want to thank Caroline for giving me a chance to talk about my favorite intersection of topics — history and women. You may have heard that women in the past couldn’t do many things that men could do. While that is true, it […]

4 Blogs and Then Some

Blogging gives any and all of us an opportunity to express ourselves. Many of us may wish there was less of it—particularly when the expressing takes the form of politics or celebrity culture are concerned, but then either we all have the right to speak freely or no one does. Most writers use blogs to […]

A Dysfunctional Royal Family

Highlighting Historical Romance: Regan Walker William the Conqueror died in Normandy in 1087. Robert, the eldest son, inherited the dukedom of Normandy. William, his middle son, succeeded his father as King of England. William was quick to seize the opportunity. Called “William Junior” by his contemporaries and dubbed “Rufus” by historians because of his ruddy […]

Family Survival #MFRWAuthor

Writing is a home-bound career, and our work is done under the feet of the rest of the family.What that means and how it works out varies widely. I know at least one writer who hides in the basement to find a quiet spot. I’m lucky enough to be without day job. My husband—hereinafter referred […]