Author’s Blog

History As We Write It

Highlighting Historical Fiction welcomes Joan Leotta History is not a collection of dates and lists of people. We think this is so when we are in school, but for me, history was listening to my Grandma talk about what went on in her life. What were people’s reactions when our entry into World War Two […]

9 Things I Resolve

There is old wisdom that says that if you are aren’t part of the solution, you are part of the problem. In this case, the problem is the horrific divide among people.  Some of it has been building for years and our sharp divisions are just now spilling over, triggered by the last election. Please […]

Ouch I Did It Again #MFRWAuthor

Let me get this off my chest first: I cannot spell. I have been known to spell the same word three different ways on one page. Worse: I cannot proofread. I once earned my living as a tech writer, and a good one. I got reviews that to prove it. They boiled down to “This […]

Girl Against The World

Highlighting Historical Romance welcomes Oberon Wonch whose novel, A Knight of Her Own, was released today. You’ve likely heard of the Battle of Hastings on October 14, 1066, in which William, Duke of Normandy, and his invading army defeated the Anglo-Saxons, killed their king, and took the throne of England. What you might not know, […]

4 Things To Do After You Type The End

First draft writing can be a long agony. Once you reach that tender, soul-satisfying conclusion, wipe away a tear, and type The End, you take a deep sigh, certain the story is right. You ask, “Now what?” The temptation is to either a) send it off now because, of course, it is perfect OR b) […]