Author’s Blog

Titles and Other Painful Decisions.

Readers may have noticed that I’ve been participating in the Marketing For Romance Writers (MFRW) 52-Week blog challenge. The idea is that all the participating authors post on a single topic, and we get to see the wide variation in approaches to the topic. It is a bit fun, and I plan to continue, but […]

Castles: Fiction and Reality

Highlighting Historical Romance Ruth Kaufman shares her research and her passion. Years ago, I had the opportunity to travel to England and Wales and explore some amazing castle ruins and stay in two castles (Amberley and Thornbury). I knew I had to visit Castle Rising, in the village of Castle Rising in King’s Lynn, Norfolk, […]

The Soul Mate Tree

The Legend of the Soul Mate Tree I am old, I am ancient, my purpose is clear To give those who are needy a treasure so dear. They who come to my roots, touch my bark, stroke my leaves Find the soul of their lives if they but believe. When I call and you listen, […]

4 Things That Matter

As is our routine, I reviewed the family calendar and my convoluted to-do list with Beloved. Why convoluted? I use a tool called Toodledo that lets me assign every task a due date, an importance level, and a category or folder. The web-based tool lets me sort on all three of those. Obviously a task […]

In the Mood

I believe that they can use Beethoven’s piano concertos for the theme music when they make the movie of my life: joyful flights, gentle lows, great crashing highs. That will suit me. It won’t work for every story I tell however. I put on music when it is time to write. It is my signal […]