Author’s Blog

6 Reasons for Joy This Week

Spring has finally taken up residence in the urban wilds of Eastern Pennsylvania, and it is a joy. Really. Beloved and I have been taking walks, enjoying the sunshine, trees leafing out, and flowers. Not only that, it is Holy Week, one of the most profound weeks of the year and the greater joys of […]

History, Horses, and Storytelling

Highlighting Historical Romance with Lizzi Tremayne I love writing history. It gives me a legitimate excuse to do research, and to offer history to those who might never pick up a history book. No, I’m not someone who never leaves the library, although it was my go-to place to hide out from the other kids […]

Oh Look, It’s Shiny!

If you’ve seen those clips of cats chasing a laser light, you know what I mean. Oh look! It’s shiny. No matter what is in front of them, they will chase the shiny thing. That’s me. I write historical romance, and research is a given. In my case the dollop of history is a bit […]

Strength, Weakness, and the Day Job

This week’s writing challenge from Marketing for Romance Writers gave me flashbacks to the days when I had to endure job interviews. Inevitably someone on the selection committee would ask the dreaded question, “What’s your greatest strength?” The first time I heard it I was stymied. Since I went through a long period in which […]

Time-Traveling Faux-Pas

Highlighting Historical Romance Today we welcome Susana Ellis, my fellow Bluestocking Belle, who tells us about her time-traveling heroine. If you were traveling through time, how much would you worry about disrupting the space-time continuum? In spite of my younger days as a fervent Trekker, I’ve come to the conclusion that the Prime Directive is […]