Author’s Blog

11 Things That Tickle Me

Actually, many things tickle me this week.  To begin with, The Reluctant Wife will finally—finally—go live on Wednesday.  That makes five published novels and three novellas. I’m celebrating on Saturday with friends who also have new books this spring. We’re calling our party Love Speaks (that would be from Loves Labor Lost). We plan to […]

Three Gems; One Holiday Destination

Highlighting Historical Romance: A Holiday in Bath It is my privilege to be part of A Holiday in Bath, a collection of new novellas, all set in Bath, an English spa city known for its thermal springs and healing waters from the time of the Romans. By the Regency era it had become a fashionable […]

6 Places to Find Me This Week

It’s almost here! Those of you that read my blog know I have two releases coming out soon, including The Reluctant Wife, the next installment in my Children of Empire Series.  Soon after will come Holiday in Bath, an anthology that includes my novella, “Lord Edmund’s Dilemma.” I owe it to my books to make […]

The Reluctant Wife Excerpt

Get control of yourself, Clare, a small part of her brain urged, dimly aware that exhaustion and relief made her foolish. She didn’t care. His arms around her back and his shoulder firm beneath her cheek felt solid. Safe. Dependable. “Easy, easy. It’s only a tent,” he soothed, one hand making gentle circles on her […]

An Imagined Destiny

Highlighting Historical Romance: Becky Lower visits today. What makes Dance With Destiny so special to me is that it’s a branch off my family tree. When I became a teenager, my dad told me the dirty little secret about his grandmother. She was half-Indian, and until the day she died, she had the strong, chiseled […]