Author’s Blog

Asking tough questions

I interviewed the hero of The Reluctant Wife, and asked him questions he wasn’t so sure about. Really. He wasn’t terribly comfortable about it, but he put up with it.

Spymasters and Their Sons

Highlighting Historical Romance: We welcome Alina K. Field today to tell us about  spymasters, and the book sounds like a gem. Thank you so much, Caroline, for having me as a guest today. My latest release, The Bastard’s Iberian Bride, is the first book in my Sons of the Spy Lord series. On one of […]

Marriage, Consent, and Potential Misery

Highlighting Historical Romance: Today my good friend Sherry Ewing talks with us about marriage, consent and her tale of a particularly disastrous arranged marriage.   Thank you Caroline for hosting me today on your blog. My latest release and series, Nothing But Time: A Family of Worth (Book One), had me researching an era that […]

It’s May, hurray—oh dear, It’s May

It’s May, it’s may, the month of great dismay when all the world is brimming with fun, wholesome or un- May is the one time of year when we’re all faced with more choices than any other, all of them lovely, all of them clamoring for attention, competing with one another.  Celebrations gang up on […]

Writing Romance in the Era of Downton Abbey

Highlighting Historical Romance with Ginger Monette Downton Abbey…. It took the world by storm, and I was swept up in the drama of the Crawley family along with everyone else. I was fascinated how the British aristocracy opened their lavish country homes to be used as hospitals for wounded soldiers during WW1. I had just […]