Author’s Blog

Five Tips and Real Life

Recently John Le Carré gave CBS’s Sixty Minutes five tips for novel writers. You can find them here. One was easy: “Keep a travel journal.” Some were lessons I learned the hard way: “Make the verb to the work,” and “Start your story as late as possible. One is giving me fits. “Start writing at […]

Paris Then and Now

Sofie Darling comes to us today with some facts about Paris and The Medici Fountain. Following the assassination of her husband Louis XIII of France in 1610, Marie de’ Medici removed herself and her son, the new king of France, from the intrigues of the French court to a safe place where she could rule […]

Eight Centuries / Eight Love Stories

If you were lucky enough to attend the Bluestocking Belle’s Cover Reveal party on Saturday, you’ve had a preview of our 2017 anthology, Never Too Late.  We present eight timeless love stories across eight centuries, with eight unique takes on a single trope (a compromising situation that isn’t), an older heroine, a wise man, and […]

The Global Tourist in New Zealand

Jude Knight introduces us to Victorian Tourists to New Zealand. The nineteenth century, says the book I’m currently reading, was the European century; the century in which Europe dominated the world. The nineteenth century was a European one also in the sense that other continents took Europe as their yardstick. Europe’s hold over them was […]

Here Again—Gone Again

When I slid into June exhausted from launching The Reluctant Wife—which let me just say is a very good tale of love, loss, journeys, and reconciliation. Sigh… Where was I? Oh yes. Launching. It is exhausting work to get the word out about a new book, and I had guest visits to a few dozen […]