Author’s Blog

Black Friday and Cyber Monday—Regency Style

Julia Justiss highlights shopping! The frenetic pre-Christmas shopping rush used to be typified by US residents leaving their Thanksgiving Thursday dinners to camp out at midnight, the better to score early-bird shopping bargains on Black Friday morning. With the advent of technology, the madness expanded to the on-line shopping bonanza of Cyber Monday. Skipping over […]

Believeable Reasons For a Virgin Hero

Highlighting Monica Burns and her thoughts on her unique trope, the virgin hero. (And don’t forget she offers a FREE book for subscribers) My September 25th reissue, PLEASURE ME, has a virgin hero. When I decided to write Garrick as a virgin, I was faced with a tough question. What reason does a virile, alpha […]

Greenery and Kissing Balls

Highlighting Emma Lane’s thoughts on historical holiday decor. Seasonal Decorations.  My pulse quickens as the holidays approach. It sparks my imagination. In my “real” world I play (work) with flowers and decorations weekly. One of my favorites for Thanksgiving is a ceramic rooster which I fill with dried flowers. My family hooted when they saw […]

Never Too Late at Vauxhall Gardens

Highlighting Susana Ellis’s love of Vauxhall Gardens.   Vauxhall Gardens has become a bit of an obsession with me. I even visited there last September, even though it has become little more than a small grassy area between the Vauxhall Underground station, Kennington Lane, and the busy Vauxhall Bridge. The Orchestra building being long gone, […]

A Hero, A Barrister, An Escape

Highlighting Linda McLaughlin’s hero, Stephen Chaplin, a barrister. I recently visited Stephen Chaplin, Esquire at his offices in London’s Lincoln’s Inn to interview him. LM: Mr. Chaplin, thank you so much for agreeing to meet with me. Can you tell me a bit about yourself? For instance, are you originally from the London area? SC: […]