Author’s Blog

Wellington, A Brief History

Highlighting Historical Romance introduces K.A.Servian and Wellington, New Zealand How timely! Just before I leave to go there, Historic Wellington, New Zealand,  provides the background for Servian’s novel The Moral Compass. Thought to have been occupied by Māori since 950AD, the first European settlement of the area that was to become Wellington began in January […]


Caroline is off again! Beloved and I will be jetting away in the wee hours of Friday. You can imagine we are in the throes of that pre-travel panic and packing, the part where you can’t decide what to take. It is winter here; summer there. Do I have to wear a coat to the […]

Coffin or Casket

We’re highlighting historical fiction a day late this week. Lizzi Tremayne sent us a thought provoking piece about research, the rivulets down which writers may find themselves…and asks if it really matters.   Not to be getting morbid on you this early in the piece, but really, it’s important. Getting the detail right makes a […]

Valentine’s Day

Do you love it or hate it? You can make a case either way. Valentine’s Day can feel like one of those contrived opportunities to sell us candy, flowers, cards, or whatever some marketing genius wishes to promote.  It can be depressing to some people, a trap that reinforces the notion that if you aren’t […]

Ewww Leeches!

Highlighting Petie McCarty’s research into Regency medicine and the use of (shudder) leeches. Coming from a scientific background and career, I’m no stranger to research so I eagerly dove into research for weeks for each of my novels before the first draft ever started, checking everything from habitat and indigenous species to climatic conditions of […]