Author’s Blog

Spring Cleaning

My laptop did not want to turn on this fine spring morning. It came up very slowly, rather like the rest of me. We both woke up feeling fuzzy to face a grey morning and temperatures that remain 20 degrees below normal. At least it isn’t going to snow! I think the Mac was sleepy […]

Travel in the Regency

We’re Highlighting Historical Romance today with Jude Knight, who brings us insight into the ways in which travel has impacted her Regency novels, and problems writers face regarding it. One of the first things I had to get my head around when I started writing stories set in the Regency era was how long it […]

Watch for it!

Watch out people! I’m preparing to put out another newsletter—you should receive it next week. I’m giving you this warning because the next issue will include a link to The Ravenstone Heir, a short story you won’t want to miss: it has a cat, a raven and ginger biscuits. If you haven’t been receiving my […]

Celebration and Music

How was your weekend? I hope you were able to celebrate an awakening of Spring before snow returned, and that life is good, whatever you celebrate. Our Holy Saturday filled me with joy for sure. I have the privilege of singing in our tiny choir and I’m not sure if Water of Life or the […]

What to write this year?

The Bluestocking Belles met yesterday. It is always a challenge to get everyone in a conference call due to the spinning earth. We have members in Australia, New Zealand, San Francisco, Florida, South Carolina and, of course, the urban wilds of Eastern Pennsylvania. We were plotting our next holiday anthology. Our overall story trope is […]