Author’s Blog

War and the Victorian Empire

  Highlighting Historical Romance with Michelle Jean Marie and her research about the Victorian Empire It is difficult to grasp in this day and age that the small island of Great Britain was once the foremost global power for over a century. Britain’s imperial century spanned the years 1815 to 1914, most of that time under […]

The Long Wait

Time hangs heavy when you wait. Nothing about The Unexpected Wife has gone quickly, and this last part seems to drag forever. I am not convinced that independently publishing goes any faster than publishing through a small press, but in that case, the author is in control of the entire process. The Unexpected Wife is […]

Oh Canada!

This week Highlighting Historical Romance will cover Book 1 in my Children of Empire series, which begins in Canada. When I set out to create a series in which the descendants of my Regency heroes and heroines set out to the outposts of empire, the first setting that came to mind was our neighbor up […]

June. Weddings!

The connection between June and Weddings is inevitable. Among romance writers, the temptation to write about weddings—and use them in promotion—is inevitable as well.  My good friends and fellow escape artists at Great Escapes Books have created a June promotional piece that includes excerpts from The Renegade Wife. The past few weeks I’ve been working […]

Remember them…

People often get confused about Memorial Day. They think of it as a day to remember those in active service (it isn’t, but thanking them for their service is always appropriate). They think of it has a day to honor veterans (it isn’t, that is in November). Worse, they think of it as the day the […]