Back to work

Cartoon_Woman_Drinking_Coffee_While_Using_A_Computer.svg_-293x300 Author's Blog But First Coffee We crawled home—weary, pleased with ourselves, and refreshed—late Saturday night. Yesterday involved A) sleep B) laundry and C) sharing our adventures with my travel buddy’s parents.

This morning I face a pile of email, the deadline to finalize my story for Love’s Perilous Road, and urgent messages from The Author’s Guild about Meta’s use of my–and most authors–stories for AI training. I need to write a series of notes demanding they stop. I also promised I would announce winners from the Bluestocking Belles’ 10th Anniversary, which took place the day I left. On the home front: bills, plants, commitments (oops) etc.

I’m confident I will get to it all. But first, Coffee.

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Caroline Warfield, Author

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