Let the Party Begin!

Gaston_La_Touche_-_The_Joyous_Festival_ca._1906 But First Coffee

The Unexpected Wife will finally be released in the wild (er, published) on Wednesday. At least the Kindle format will be; print may lag a little, but it should be available soon. Join in the celebration! How you ask? Let me tell you:

  1. Order a copy! Or if you are a Kindle Unlimited member beginning reading it for ***FREE*** one Wednesday. Click on the cover in the right-hand menu.
  2. Like free? Book one in the series, the Renegade Wife, will be ***FREE*** for three days only Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Of course, it is always available to read with Kindle Unlimited. Click on the book cover in the right-hand menu on those days to buy it for free.
  3. Attend the launch party, “The Journey Continues” on Facebook on Tuesday from 3 to 8 PM Philadelphia time. It’s an open house, but hosts will be offering prizes every half hour and check out the Grand Prize!

Irish_Coffee-150x150 But First Coffee As for me, when the party is over and the book is on its way, I’m going to Cape May with Beloved to celebrate our anniversary.  Walks on the beach…dinner on a moonlit veranda… Yes, I can handle it.

There is much to do, however. But first, coffee—and this week I think I’ll have a little something in it.

One thought on “Let the Party Begin!

  1. Looking forward to my ‘next read’! 👍🏼
    Happy Anniversary! No dout u 2 will enjoy!😊❤

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Caroline Warfield, Author

Email : info@carolinewarfield.com