Today’s my birthday and my thoughts turn to health and vitality. I told my grandbuddy that I planned to dance at his wedding. Since that is many years away and the plan is to actually dance, I have to make sure I keep moving. For a novelist that is tough sometimes. We live in our desk chair.
I found a new workout routine I call the Young & The Restless program. Well, maybe “workout” is too strong a term. It works like this: while Greg watches our favorite soap after lunch, and I walk a circuit of the house, catching the story in two different rooms. During commercials I take the stairs. I get it roughly 2500 steps and over a dozen trips up and down stairs. I helps push me past 6000 steps. No gear required. Not bad for a woman of a certain age.
All movement is better than no movement. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
(Shirt can be found here)