Eternal Rome

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I hope you’re pleased with the return of Caroline’s Rambles. I don’t plan to post a weekly ramble as I once did, but between my stories and my travels I should have material to post about places, settings and cultures regularly.

0706-Rome-Trevi-Carol-225x300 Author's Blog Caroline's Rambles

2007-Good thing I tossed in a coin!

This week: Rome. I’m leaving tomorrow for one of my favorite cities, and I’m very excited to show it to my grandson. Monday morning we have a guided tour of the major ruins including my favorite, the Roman Forum schedule. The time I stood on the steps of the Senate, I was overwhelmed to realize that Caesar died there. Cicero spoke inside! I had to just stand and soak it in. I can’t wait. We have two other tours scheduled, one of the Jewish museum and ghetto (grandson is Jewish), and one of the Vatican. In between there is much to see and do.

Think of me this week in a nice cafe in Rome sipping vino rosso and pondering what great stories I might write. SIGH. I’ll be back in a week.

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Caroline Warfield, Author

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