I read my way through three amazing beta drafts last week, all from wonderful authors. This year’s collection, Love’s Perilous Road, will include the Bluestocking Belles (Alina k Field, Cerise DeLand, Rue Allyn, Susana Ellis, Sherry Ewing, Elizabeth Ellen Carter, Jude Knight, and my humble self). We’ve also invited wonderful guests, Mary Lancaster, Maera Platt, and Barbara Monajem. Every story I’ve read so far is fabulous. All this and Captain Moonlight’s midnight rides, too.
That milestone met, I’m reviewing the comments I received on my own draft. There were remarkably few character/series conflicts found. I have to move an event a day or two earlier and do some clean up. Beta2 is due March 10, but I suspect I’ll be early.
Another step completed last week: I got my proposal to republish all my Dangerous and Children of Empire books off to Dragonblade Publishing. It will be a few weeks before I hear, but I’ll let readers know when a plan is in place.
Meanwhile I started another story, skipping ahead to one due in May for Dragonblade’s Dukes All Night Long summer collection. The story must take place primarily at night and mention a duke in some fashion. Mine will involve mysterious music in the massive, empty manor house of the Duke of Glenmoor (The Duke in Name Only).
While I’m speaking of Dragonblade, they have a generous promotion going on this week only: fifteen free books! Check it out here.
I have plenty to do. But of course, first coffee.
Wow! You’ve been busy and such exciting news! I’m off of social media so at least I can communicate with you here. Take care, Tracy