Floating Back


unnamed-225x300 Author's Blog After 17 days on a decadent Viking river cruise down the Danube and up the Rhine, and a week of post-cruise crud in the form of COVID, I’m back at my desk. It was lovely to be waited on hand and foot while watching peaceful scenery slip by and to be intermittently led on walking tours through cobble stoned medieval villages and no-longer-medieval historic cities. Four major cities, seven smaller villages, an abbey and some astounding windmills. All in all a pleasure.

So then, I thudded back to earth. Oh well. It couldn’t last forever. I wish I could tell you I also got plenty of writing done, but my total output was four paragraphs. This week I’m polishing the Wallflower story so I can ship it off to the editor. I’m also mulling ideas for the Bluestocking Belles 2025 collection. My notes are due in a week!

Life continues to be slow here as I rattle around alone in this house, but I’m healing slowly. The trip helped. It is too late for coffee…how about a glass of wine?

Here are a few more photos:

unnamed-1-225x300 Author's Blog beer-225x300 Author's Blog rins-225x300 Author's Blog IMG_4391-225x300 Author's Blog bridge-225x300 Author's Blog wind-225x300 Author's Blog

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Contact Info

Caroline Warfield, Author

Email : info@carolinewarfield.com