First of all Alleluia~ He is truly risen and all glory goes to him.
That said, I had some terrific news this week. There were not one but two fantastic reviews. The first one, from N.N. Light’s Book Heaven put a plus sign after the five stars it so generously bestowed on The Forgotten Daughter. They said, among other things, that “The historical world-building was exquisite, and I didn’t want The Forgotten Daughter to end. Caroline Warfield is a brilliant historical romance author…”

Meanwhile, Desperate Daughters, which is still available for pre-order for less than a dollar got two super reviews. InD’Tale Magazine awarded it its coveted crowned heart and Discovering Diamonds gave it a rave five star review, a “Discovered Diamond,” review.

Whew! The egg hunt went on all week. The winner of the local prize was Jeanne Peterson, who has her choice of Bluestocking Belles collections. I have some short stories to award to people who commented also.
One more surprise and this one is BIG. I have been notified that The Price of Glory is a RONE Award Nominee. Please please please vote for it. I would so like to make it to the final round. While you are there, please also vote for Storm & Shelter. Yes TWO of my books are up for an award.
Easter joy and writing excitement. And I’m working away on the new series. It is off the ground and beginning to lift. But first, coffee!