My story for the Bluestocking Belles lacks a title and is rather rough, but it is ready for the beta round, or will be with one day’s spiffing up. That done, I had a look at what else lay on my plate and had a moment of panic, and some quick math told me some harsh truth.
Another Ashmead book, Book Three, The Forgotten Daughter, is due to Dragonblade Publishing November 1. Between now and then I have the beta read and rewrite process for the Bluestocking Belles, company the end of September, and Romancing the Gold Coast, a conference for historical romance readers in Glen Cove, NY.
The harsh math: if I knuckle down and manage 2000 words a day—life, distractions, complications, marketing, and other commitments not withstanding—I can have a draft for beta readers by the week of October 18 when I go to Gold Coast. That gives me a week for fixes and a final read through out loud. Yikes. I can do it. Just.
Come to Romancing the Gold Coast to see if I’m still upright! Back to writing, but first coffee.

You can do it, Carol, I know