Her heroine approaches Tours to this view, “As they approached on the north side of the river, the town spread across the wide Loire and the red brick curtain wall of the fortress of the medieval French kings, the Palace of Amboise spread along the banks.”

I haven’t been there, Fellow Travelers. I think it has wormed its way onto my bucket list. At least one book in my list of hopes and dreams belongs there.
But later, “And then the village fell away and a long limestone wall curved into a circular drive to the front of a small chateau with the charm of the French Rococo and the colors of rose and white.” How might that do for a secret getaway with a lover?
An added benefit to me? The hero is just returned from China. DeLand’s knowledgeable—and gentle— layering in of his challenges—and the challenges of the Chinese people—was fascinating.
About the Book
She’d wanted him for years…and denied she cared.
As a step-brother, he’d loved her.
But she’s older now and even more delectable. Should he walk away? Can he?

Pierce Hanniford returns to England after tripling his fortune in China. He’s come for business. Not pleasure. And definitely not for love.
Camille Bereston decided years ago that Pierce was not for her. He’s her step-brother, famous, restless, a savvy Shanghai taipan and a menace…to her heart.
She has ambitions to marry. Funny that none of her candidates seems good enough.
Yet Camille excites him as no woman ever has and he must have her, no matter the cost.
But should she take an older, experienced rogue as her lover…and should she claim him forever as her only love?
I’m so thrilled that I pleased Caroline with this novel. Not only that I inspired her to go to Amboise, but also that she values my use of (our mutual study of and) interest in Chinese history and portrayal of a Chinese taipan!
We authors are dedicated to portraying the past and those who lived in another time and place with an accuracy that has been much neglected.
Caroline does that in her stories set in China and Egypt as well as Venice and so many more locales. We band together to bring our readers accuracy and delight! Thank you, Caroline for this lovely discussion and exposure of RAVISHING CAMILLE, her lover and her friends!
I’ve visited the Loire Valley twice – as a student on a Eurail Pass and decades later by car with my family. I was especially fascinated by Chambord. It was an unseasonably cold and wet July and I could easily imagine the open staircase in winter.
Corinne! I am with you on the forbidding nature of using Chambord’s outer staircases in inclement weather! I dare say the whole castle is outrageously cold and not very attractive inside. The exterior is the draw, but it is no wonder that Francis, after he built it, lived ini t only a few days.
I love it. Built it. Said “meh.” Moved on.