How is your December coming along. Mine is in shape. The house is decorated. There are candles in every window, and most gifts are wrapped. Of course this is greatly aided by the fact that a part of our family celebrates Hanukkah and it was early this year. I’m not a great baker so I don’t. Stress eliminated. Beloved made oatmeal cookies that are yummy.
Still, this time a year, stresses (the good kind) multiply and in 2020 stresses (The bad kind) pile on. Take a minute to grab a soothing holiday story.

Here are some I love:
The Dragonblade Christmas Bundle has several five star stories by excellent authors. The standout to me is Mary Lancaster’s Christmas Heart.
My Bluestocking Belles friends have numerous terrific stories. The most unusual is Jude Knight’s Candle’s Christmas Chair. You won’t want to miss our Holiday Escapes. It includes Sherry Ewing’s Under the Mistletoe and Susana Ellis’s The Ultimate Escape (if a bride is going to run away, she may as well run to the future!).
My own Holiday Collection, all priced at 99 cents for December, has some gems. Don’t miss Lady Charlotte’s Christmas Vigil!

If you haven’t already, grab a copy of A Dangerous Nativity. It is always free, and much beloved by those who’ve read it.
Get comfortable and take a moment to read a story filled with JOY. But first, coffee.

Thank you for the kind words about my dear Candle and his Min. Did you know tomorrow is their book birthday? Six years old.
And have I mentioned that I love A Dangerous Nativity?