Like many families, we’ve lost people we loved in one or another of the everlasting wars. Others have come home wounded in one way or another. Veteran’s Day is for them. Memorial Day is to remember the dead and, if you’re able, to decorate their graves. This year, we need to recall the first responders and medical professionals who’ve lost their lives in the pandemic.

As a person of faith, I can look at that remembrance with hope. Spring is a good time for that, with life all around us. Here’s our house this morning. The family is coming over later to celebrate the day and some family birthdays, with appropriate distancing, no common bowls or utensils, and and masks when not eating, but with much joy. The virus may have abated but it is merely resting. The dragon will leap out of its lair again, I have no doubt.
No writing today, but I’ll be back at it tomorrow. I may finish a book this week. It could happen! But first, coffee.