I have braved the winding (rail)road and crossed Time, or at least Times Square, though the hordes of dwarfs, ogres and strange gawking fairies. I have banqueted, formed alliances, met my fellows, and sat at
the feet of giants (well, at least of Susan Elizabeth Philips) and arrives safely home. What have I learned?
1. Romance writers are almost universally gracious and kind
2. In a world full of dizzying options for writers, I’m content with what I am doing.
3. I’m actually doing quite well considering Caroline Warfield’s books didn’t exist a year ago.
4. Quantity matters. Book two sells book one. Book three sells one and two (I hope) and so on. SoulMate wants two books a year. Yikes!
5. Dressing like a dowager duchess and dancing like one is a hoot.
6. Books are heavy. Every time I turned around someone was giving me books.My suitcase held only very carefully selected books and it weighed a ton. Or maybe a 1.5 tons.
7. Printed swag is good but will not disappear in any quantity. Bring 1/4 as much next time.
8. Creativity matters. The Belles’ Guide to a Good Time was a big hit.