Author’s Blog

Cobblestones, Castles, and Cathedrals

Trudging behind my young companion last week was invigorating—and exhausting—but we explored every inch of Rome, at least the old city from the forum to Castel Sant Angelo, from the Bourghese Gardens to the top of the dome of Saint Peter’s in the Vatican City. Awed by art, amused by Irish pubs, and charmed by […]

Back to work

We crawled home—weary, pleased with ourselves, and refreshed—late Saturday night. Yesterday involved A) sleep B) laundry and C) sharing our adventures with my travel buddy’s parents. This morning I face a pile of email, the deadline to finalize my story for Love’s Perilous Road, and urgent messages from The Author’s Guild about Meta’s use of […]

Caroline Jets Off

If you read Caroline’s Rambles on Friday, you know that my Grandson and I are on our Spring Break in Rome. I’ll be back next Monday! Today we are off to tour the Colosseum, the forum, and the palatine hill—but first coffee.

Eternal Rome

I hope you’re pleased with the return of Caroline’s Rambles. I don’t plan to post a weekly ramble as I once did, but between my stories and my travels I should have material to post about places, settings and cultures regularly. This week: Rome. I’m leaving tomorrow for one of my favorite cities, and I’m […]

Heading Down a Rocky Road

Staring at my lovely pink planner I’m a bit overwhelmed. Just a bit. I can do this. I leave on Saturday for a week away with my Grandson—more on that later this week. There is a long list of things I need to do before I depart. There are also church commitments, family commitments, and […]